The Gospel of John "The Movie"

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Cleansing of the Temple — 2:13-25

Verse 13
16. Where did Jesus go next and for what purpose?
17. List other passages about this feast and explain the purpose of it.

Verses 14-17
18. What did Jesus find happening in the temple?
19. Describe what He did about this.
20. List at least 2 other passages describing Jesus doing a similar act. (Think: Do all these passages refer to the same event? What do you make of this?)
21. What reason did Jesus give for His action (v16)?
22. What Scripture did Jesus’ act remind His disciples of? Explain the application to Je-sus’ act.
23. Application: What lessons can we learn from this event about worship? What can we learn about spiritual vs. material interests? List applications regarding the church and denominational practices today.

Verse 18
24. What question did the Jews ask Jesus regarding the cleansing of the temple? (Think: Why would they ask such a question?)

Verses 19-21
25. What response did Jesus give?
26. What did the Jews think Jesus’ statement meant?
27. How did Jesus’ enemies later use this statement against Him (see cross-references)?
28. What did Jesus’ statement really mean? Explain.
29. Case Study: Premillennial folks say that Jesus did not know, when He began His ministry, that He would have to die. How can you use this passage to help such peo-ple?

Verse 22
30. What effect did Jesus’ statement have on the disciples later?
31. Application: What does this show regarding the purpose of prophecy and the resur-rection?

Verse 23
32. What else did Jesus do at the feast, and what was the result (v23)?

Verses 24,25
33. What power did Jesus have according to vv 24,25?
34. Who else has such power (see 1 Kings 8:39)? Since Jesus had this power, what does this prove about Jesus?)

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