The Gospel of John "The Movie"

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Miracle of Water to Wine and Cleansing the Temple – Chap. 2

Verses 1,2
1. What event occurred (v1), and where was it (see MAP)
2. Who was present (vv 1,2)?

Verses 3-5
3. What problem occurred, and what request did Jesus’ mother make?
4. What did Jesus tell His mother, but how did she respond (vv 4,5)?

Verses 6,7
5. How many water pots were present, and how large was each?
6. Look up the size of the pots, and calculate the total amount of liquid involved. (Think: What lessons can we learn from the amount of wine Jesus made?)

Verses 8-10
7. What did Jesus tell servants to do with the water, and what happened when they did?
8. What observation did the ruler of the feast make about the wine? What does this prove?

Verse 11
9. What effect did this event have (v11)?
10. For each of the following passages, indicate whether the “wine” was alcoholic or not: Isa. 16:10; 65:8; Jer. 48:33; Rev. 19:15.
11. List at least 3 Bible passages about drunkenness or the danger of alcoholic wine.
12. Application: Considering the above information, what can you conclude about the al-coholic content of the wine Jesus made? Would He have made this much alcoholic wine (like we have today) for people who had already drunk all the wine available? Explain.

Verse 12
13. Where did Jesus go next, and who else went there too (v12)? (See MAP.)
14. List other passages showing that Jesus had brothers (and/or sisters) in the flesh.
15. Case Study: Catholic teaching says that Mary was a perpetual virgin, even after Jesus was born. Explain the significance of the above information for this doctrine.

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